HPT Quality Diamonds and Excellent Service – Answering More Questions

Continuing with the article from last month, Teva Diamonds is answering your questions regarding our exquisite line of HPT (High Pressure Treated) Diamonds.  Every question our customers have is uniquely important and we take every effort to answer each one.  Remember, if you have any questions please reach out to our team.

Contact Teva Diamonds to Learn More! (877)683-3426

Time to Grow a Diamond?

To grow a diamond takes 7-10 days to grow a 1 carat lab diamond, and approximately one month to grow a 3 carat diamond.  Any faster, the diamond crystal will fracture.  Therefore, there is a physical speed limit to how fast you can grow diamonds.

Are All Lab Diamonds Flawless and Perfect?

Lab grown diamonds are not flawless and perfect.  Lab grown diamonds are created by recreating the conditions in nature.  Hence, lab grown diamonds have the same variations of color and clarity that exist in natural diamonds (the 4Cs).

Ranging across color and clarity spectrum, lab grown diamonds are similar to mined diamonds.  Teva Diamonds chooses to only work with diamonds that are H+ better in color and SI1+ better in clarity.  The 4C’s that grade diamonds fluctuate from diamond to diamond.  Lab diamonds can vary in their quality even within the 4Cs, so it’s imperative that a lab diamond expert inspect your diamond before purchase.

Are Lab Diamonds Less Expensive than Mined Diamonds?

Simple answer, Yes.  Lab created diamonds tend to retail at a 40-50% discount off of comparable quality natural diamonds.  As with natural diamonds, lab grown diamonds are priced based on their quality.

Fancy colored lab diamonds are considerably less expensive than fancy colored natural diamonds.  While a natural blue or pink diamond can sell for millions of dollars per carat at auction, lab grown yellow, blue, pink, red, green, and black diamonds are only a small premium over the price of colorless lab diamonds.  As with natural mined diamonds, fancy colored lab diamonds are still rare and their supply unpredictable.

Can I Have a Lab Diamond Appraised and Insured ?

Yes. Laboratory-grown diamonds are simply appraised and insured, just like naturally mined diamonds. Teva Diamond’s fine jewelry comes with a full appraisal.  Progressive jewelry appraisers, such as American Gem Registry, will gladly appraise lab diamond jewelry.

Do Lab Diamonds Change Color Over Time?

No. Laboratory-grown diamonds do not fade, discolor, or cloud over time.

Where are Lab Diamonds Grown?

Lab Grown diamonds are grown all over the world in high-tech facilities staffed by scientists, engineers, and technicians. West to East, here are locations of significant diamond production:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Ukraine
  • Russia
  • Israel
  • India
  • China
  • Singapore
  • Japan

Thinking or considering a lab grown diamond and want to know more ?

Contact Us  or get directions from Google